Our Story

"Fast forward to today…we have provided over 30,000 customers with unparalleled customer service and have designed many beautiful outdoor kitchens…"
BBQGrills.com - Bringing Familes and Friends Together
BBQGrills.com - Family First

About Us

Since our launch in 2019, BBQGrills.com has quickly become one of the largest online retailers of gas grills, outdoor kitchen equipment, and other outdoor patio-related items in California. Our family-owned, operated, and argued over business is held together by the fabric of bringing traditional family values to a quickly growing internet environment.

Ryan and Samantha Maltbie, Husband and Wife duo, have been in the outdoor kitchen/grilling industry for over 15 years. Their first job together out of high school was working for a bbq grill store and these high school sweethearts only grew up from there. Fast forward a decade and they're raising a family of four children, building a business run on a passion for the industry, and striving to give customers a genuine online shopping experience.

Our Roots (Creating BBQGrills.com)

We always had a vision of owning our own business. It was definitely something we wanted to do and often talked about, a dream if you will, but we felt satisfied where we were in life at the time. That was until August of 2018 when the company that we had spent the last 10 years working for decided to close abruptly. This unexpectedly changed the course of our life. With 3 very young children at the time, we had two choices…1)Take the conventional route or 2) Risk it all and take a chance on ourselves and a crazy dream. We chose the latter. We knew that we had a genuine love for this industry and it would be painful to leave. We knew that we wanted to change this industry, starting with our customers, and giving them a genuine experience when building their own dream outdoor space. We ultimately wanted to help families come together and share everlasting memories similar to the ones we value with our own four children. With $600 left, a small cashed-out retirement, a lot of tears, obstacles, and determination…we built BBQGrills.com.

While the road to building our business wasn't easy, we knew, like anything else, with dedication, hard work, perseverance, and believing in our dream, anything was/is possible. Our team spent countless hours developing the website, worked 18 hour days over the course of 6 months to relentlessly build what you know and love today, as BBQGrills.com. We made promises to not only ourselves, but our company and our customers, promises that we still to this day hold true to. Promises like the need to never advertise on a pay-per-click level, only focus on organic growth. The promise to never collect customers' information and sell it to outside agencies or track not only their web presence but then follow them after they've left the site. While others in our industry ignore these promises in order to grow their profit margin, we focus on holding true to our own promises, promises that we know hold more value than any amount of fiscal benefit.

BBQGrills.com - Sharing with the Next Generation
BBQGrills.com - Girls On Chair BBQGrills.com - Spending Time Together

2020 - The Year That Changed Everything

BBQGrills.com - Baby Jaxon BBQGrills.com - 110 Magazine
BBQGrills.com - First Million

Like many of us, the year 2020 brought much change. For our family, change was an understatement. We started off 2020 welcoming our Fourth (4th) child into the world. On January 2nd, 2020, we welcomed Jaxon Crew Maltbie into our family. We still remember to this day sitting on the hospital bed, feeding the baby and processing orders for our newly found company. It was almost as if we had welcomed two new children into our lives, the business, and Jaxon. Over the course of the next 6-9 months, our lives were a blur, the business was thriving, issues would arise, resolutions would come, we tried to sacrifice every waking second to spend with our children and family and then the unthinkable happened… On October 10th, 2020 (Ryan's 30th Birthday - HOW CRAZY IS THAT), our company hit $1 Million dollars in annual sales revenue. The emotion, the raw emotion of looking at each other, and this 7 figure number brought so much joy to our lives. Money is money, it's not worth the paper it's printed on, but the joy, heartfelt love of knowing, knowing that this 'thing' we've been building for the last year and a half has just crossed a mark in under a year that very few get to see…it was magical. Any entrepreneur knows that crossing a huge milestone has little to do with the monetary value and everything to do with the journey. Our children being able to look at their parents grow a business all on their own, and create a successful company is only instilling the simple narrative that 'it's possible' for our generations to come.

Fast forward to today…we have provided over 30,000 customers with unparalleled customer service, designed many beautiful outdoor kitchens, worked on hundreds of luxury projects, built large commercial portfolios, and have become one of California's largest online retailers in our industry. While we've equipped much short-term success, it's because of our long-term vision, our need to want to please our customers in every sense of the word, and our commitment to treat our employees and customers (you) with the respect and service that they deserve. It's not our duty to serve you as a consumer, it's our absolute right to ensure that you're treated like a human being and not a sales order number.

2021 - A partnership a lifetime in the making

The year 2021 brought BBQGrills.com many blessings. From acquiring over 5,000 customers, to officially hitting $5,000,000 in revenue company-wide. While these were some amazing achievements for our company, none would match the news that we received in March of 2021. For countless years, BBQGrills.com has been working incredibly hard to provide a level of service and performance that would catch the attention of a global grilling giant, Weber Grills. After a tremendous amount of dialogue, meetings, marketing teams performing month-long data research, and hours upon hours of emails... we'd receive the incredible news that we've been waiting for, for over 10+ years:

"It is our pleasure to inform BBQGrills.com, that as of today, BBQGrills.com is now an authorized internet dealer of all Weber Grills, Grilling Accessories, and Weber products. It is our pleasure to welcome BBQGrills.com to the Weber Family."

For us, garnering the Weber line of grills and accessories was much more than another brand to offer our clients. Acquiring Weber Grills to BBQGrills.com was a testament that through hard work, sacrifice, and giving exceptional service to our customers, we can work hand in hand with the best in the grilling industry. Like many of you, the first grill I ever learned how to cook grilled chicken on, was an 18-inch Weber Kettle, a staple to backyard grilling. I still remember at a young age grilling up chicken, hot dogs, and burgers for my friends, and being the one to man the grill, even at a young age at my birthday parties. The smell of smoking charcoal and wood chips on the grill releasing a sweet aroma of BBQ and nostalgia is something that I will always hold dear to my heart. Who would've thought that the 11-year-old boy grilling up barbecue chicken on his Dad's Weber kettle grill, would one day get the opportunity to partner with the company, and offer the world their exceptional products, so that others may benefit from their incredible line of outdoor grills. To the Weber team, it is our honor to represent your products and we look forward to many years of growth and forming a bond of longevity. Thank you for trusting us with your brand.

Shop the Weber Grills line of products!

BBQGrills.com - Weber Grills
BBQGrills.com - Webber Kettle Grill BBQGrills.com - Webber Food on Grill

2022/23 - 25,000 Customers + Acquiring BBQs.com

BBQGrills.com - Outdoor Kitchen Island BBQGrills.com - BBQs.com
BBQGrills.com - Ryan at Table

When every company is launched, there will always be a list found of the goals the company wishes to acquire. Every day, week, month and year is a race to accomplish those goals effectively and as fast as possible. For BBQGrills.com, one of the goals we've always set out to reach was acquiring over 25,000 customers. After four years of business, we are proud to announce that our company has garnered more than 25,000 customers and we're so grateful for each and everyone of you.

It's not about selling you a grill, or an entire outdoor kitchen setup. To us, and our family, seeing 25,000 customers placing orders for outdoor cooking equipment, patio heaters and much more, means that we've impacted 25,000 lives and have helped bring your family and friends together to create lasting memories that will remain for generations. To us, that is the meaning behind BBQGrills.com.

On top of acquiring 25,000 customers, we also acquired a growing business to add to the umbrella of brands that BBQGrills.com represents, BBQs.com. While we are not discussing what our plans are for this acquisition, one thing is for certain, like BBQGrills.com, it will bring creators, families and backyard chefs together to create a ecosystem where backyard grilling is celebrated and shared.

2024 - Ranked Fastest-Growing Company in America by Inc. Magazine

In the first quarter of 2024, we received some news, news that as a business owner you truthfully only dream of...

When we started off on the adventure of owning our first business, never in our wildest dreams did we anticipate being brought up in conversations with companies like Forbes, LA Weekly, and Inc Magazine. Every year, Inc Magazine hosts an event, a Regional event across the United States. Inc divides the country into 10 equal parts, and of those 10 parts allows hundreds of thousands of businesses to enlist in their 'regional list', grades them and lastly, ranks them.

Of the tens of thousands of businesses submitted in the Pacific Region of the United States, Inc. Magazine ranked BBQGrills.com as the 91st fastest-growing company of California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska. This was our first year of eligibility to enter, and the fact that we only not only made the list, but broke the Top 100 companies of that region was mind blowing.

While there are many thanks we can give, none is more giving of thanks than you, the customer. Over the last five years you have allowed us to reach heights unimaginable in such a short amount of time, you have trusted us with your orders, backyard advice and trust in our company. We thank you, so very much for making BBQGrills.com one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States. Again, thank you!

Ranked Fastest Growing Company in America by Inc. Magazine

An Open Letter to our Customers,

Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for choosing our company. Whether you've hit the process order button, or if you're simply browsing our website, we want you to know that we appreciate the time that you're spending with our company, the engagement that you have with our brand and we truly cherish the relationship we have with you. Thank you for trusting in us to provide you with the components necessary to build your outdoor kitchen space, a place where countless family memories will be made and moments in time will last for generations to come, thank you for choosing us with that. At BBQGrills.com, we know that there are many online retailers to choose from to shop these items, many (in some cases) with lower pricing and a more 'corporate' mindset, we appreciate you taking the time in your day to at least browse what the 'family owned' offerings are. In closing, we simply want to thank you. We know your time is valuable, we know your trust is valuable and we want to appreciate you spending both with our company. Whether you purchase a grill cover or a full-package outdoor kitchen structure, we want you to know that you'll be treated with respect, dignity, and trust in all aspects. From the entire team of BBQGrills.com, we thank you and we look forward to serving you!

BBQGrills.com - Spending Time Together


BBQGrills.com - Spending Time Together

We believe in carrying on traditions to the next generation

A touch of seasoning can create a lasting flavor

BBQGrills.com - Spending Time Together

We value sharing with others

There's passion in what we do

BBQGrills.com - Laughing at pizza disaster

It's okay to drop the pizza

Success Together!

BBQGrills.com - successful homemade pizza high five